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FD64 BU-10Busche company introduces the new model FD64BU-10, a 2x2 needle total 4-needle high speed feed-off-the-arm flat seaming machine with plain drop feed and needle gauge of total 10 mm. This modification of Yamato FD-62 is employed mainly in the manufacturing of isothermal clothing such as wet suits and special suits for water-skiing, diving, canoiing and yachting. The machine is designed for sewing neoprene fabrics with tape feeding from above and special roller presser. As option an additional tape guide from below is available.

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YAMATO | FD 64-10 BU | NEOPRENANZÜGE Yamato 4-Nadel-Armabwärtsmaschine zur hochwertigen Konfektionierung von isothermischer Schutzbekleidung, insbesondere von Nasstauch-, Wasserski-, Kanu- und Segelsportanzügen aus ein- oder doppelseitig kaschierten Neoprenmaterialien. Beim Zusammennähen der Schnittteile sowie Schließen ganzer Artikel in Schlauchform wird im selben Arbeitsgang ein 13,5 mm breites, seewasserfestes und hochelastisches Webband zur Nahtsicherung von oben aufgenäht. Die Schnittkanten werden stumpf aneinandergestoßen, die Naht ist hautsympathisch, extrem flach und ins Material eingezogen.Ausgestattet ohne Kantenabschneider, mit Einfachtransport und zusätzlichem separat einstellbarem Spezial-Rollen-Drückerfuß sowie Bandzuführung von oben. Zwei übereinandergreifende 2-Nadel-Überdeckstiche sichern die Innenseite wirksam ab. Gesamtnadelabstand 10 mm, Nähgeschwindigkeit bis 3.000 Stiche/min. Auf Wunsch gegen Aufpreis mit zusätzlicher Bandzuführung von unten.

FD64BU-10 ©K.Busche GmbH & Co.KG


VFK2560Flatbed Flatseamer for variuos joining operation using flatseam.Your practical solution for increased demands for Flatseam. Assembly of recent athletic wear, designed to be made with a lot of small parts, using feed-off-the –air flatseamer, sometimes take huge downtime, as operators have to stop the machine frequently to pick up the work, which have been fallen from the cylinder. Yamato VFK brings you the solution! Its flatbed improves productivity of such operations a lot, as the fabric is much more stable and easier to handle. Pucker Free! More reverse differential ratio than usual feed-off-the-arm flatseamer helps neat finish, especially in case of sewing along lengthwise grain of stretchable synthetic fabrics.

High Stretch! "Active Thread Control" enables soft & stretchable seam (up to 200%) . Suitable for performance athletic garments, without complicated adjustments, required for current machines !
By making the best use of Yamato VFK and Yamato FD-62 in combination you can add more value on your works. This is solution for your increasing demand for garments with flatseam operation using stretchable fabrics!
  • Easier to be Professional thanks stress-free operation:
  • Rather familiar machine shape
  • Natural Posture of operation
  • Better Sight at sewing area and the work
VFK2560 VFK2560
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FD62G-20HR4 Needle 6 Thread Feed-off-the-arm Flatseamer for Surf Suit. Brand-new alternative in various joining and decorative seaming for surf suit is out now to let your product look more attractive than others. Époque-making new system enables incredibly smooth feeding performance even for sticky rubber-lined material. Also, you feel almost no stress in handling when sewing small radius curbs. Such features are suitable both for long distance seaming and joining small parts, and release you from “headaches” in assembly process.

Various joining and decorative seaming for surf suit. Epoque-making new system enables incredibly smooth feeding performance even for sticky rubber-lined material. Also, you feel almost no stress in handling when sewing small radius curbs. Such featuresare suitable both for long distance seaming and joining small parts.


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